Our cleaning processes are unsurpassed in the event industry.
All fabric for our freestanding marquees is washed in our purpose built washing facility after each use.This process allows our equipment to remain in superior condition for a longer period of time which is appreciated by our customers when they have a bright white marquee free from dirt marks and patches. As the marquee fabrics age and it comes time for them to be replaced we do so by purchasing the highest quality genuine H-Line fabrics which meet the standards for fire safety and provide exceptional protection from the elements.
We take no risks when it comes to your safety.
When it comes to safety we take all necessary measures to guarantee that our structures pose no risk to the guests at your event by meeting and going beyond the manufacturer’s installation specifications. A large part of this is to ensure that the fabrics we use are fire retardant, fire extinguishers are installed where necessary and the marquee is anchored sufficiently to deal with adverse weather conditions. Where it is not possible to use our spikes as anchors such as on a concrete surface or due to underground services we use a purpose built weighting system which does not take away from the appearance of the marquee like the concrete blocks others in our industry may use.
Above and beyond to provide the finest quality control.
Our cleaning and quality control goes well beyond the marquees and fabrics into all of our other equipment from tables, chairs, crockery, glassware, cooking equipment, coolrooms and beyond. Examples of the effort we make to provide the highest quality equipment can be seen through the process we use to clean our glassware where the glasses are placed through an industrial dishwasher, machine polished and finally inspected for damage before being placed in protective packaging. A further example is our chair cleaning process where we hand clean each chair and cover them to ensure they are spotless for the following hire.